Health Buzz Words

We’ve all heard them, many have bought into them, including myself. Here is my guide to these “health buzz words” and what I believe is truth. You don’t have to believe it, but you should do your research. You may find some sarcasm below, so try not to take anything personally.

Target Belly Fat}
Okay, while there are exercises to work your abdomen which is where belly fat IS you cannot technically TARGET belly fat. When you workout you burn fat evenly throughout your body. Yes, if you only do squats and lunges your legs and butt will get toned. But you will not lose MORE fat in your legs and butt than you do the rest of your body. You will lose fat EVERYWHERE, but only TONE your legs & butt. My boyfriend is a personal trainer, he will talk for days about how irritating this phrase is because of how faulty it is. Unless by saying target belly fat you mean, target all the fat on your whole body, then I would advise you not use this phrase. Because it’s just silly. Also, abs START in the kitchen, not on your yoga mat. Okay, that’s all. I’m leaving this topic alone now.

Soooooooo, how long have you been eating foods that are TOXIC to your body. Really think about this. Anything that does not come from the earth basically… Yeah probably your whole life. Okay, so a detox lasts anywhere from 3-90 days? I have done “detox”‘s. Yep, GUILTY! And guess what, my body still has toxins in it. A detox is simply a BUZZ word to make people think they are doing something super healthy for themselves. First of all it takes MORE THAN 1 YEAR to totally replace all of the cells in your body. So you would have to do a “DETOX” for years to really DETOX. I don’t really know where people come up with this stuff. Sorry if this is bursting all your bubbles, but these are facts, dude. If it took you 20 years to get to the point where you realized you need to detox, then don’t expect to “detox” overnight. People say it all the time, and I’m going to say it too. LIFESTYLE CHANGE! Okay, go about your day… I will say this about detoxing, it can make you feel better and give your mind a “reset” of sorts to get you back on the right eating track.

This just ties in with Detoxing, although I feel like its a step down from detox. I feel that “cleansing” implies just a quick flush of your system. Which is probably more accurate and we should maybe replace the word detox with the word cleanse. But still, I think this word also makes people think they are getting EVERYTHING bad out of their body by the end of a cleanse. But back to what I was saying about detoxes, it would take more than a year to really cleanse or detox your body. It’s about changing your LIFESTYLE not changing your life for 1 week only to return to terrible eating habits. ::bubble burster:: #sorrynotsorry

This does not always mean there is nothing bad in it. This does not always mean that there are not products inside that are NOT organic… I’m increasingly frustrated with this label on foods. Recently some information has come out about the regulations on “organic” food and its labels. Word on the street is even organic labeled fruit can have certain pesticides on it that “do not have any observed negative effects on humans”. Um, okay… The best advice on this is to just grow your own produce. The more we move towards growing our own food, the better!

USDA Approved}
Who even knows what this means? Well I’ll tell you what I know. It means that people look at food labeled USDA Approved and think (even unknowingly), this is safe for me to consume because it’s APPROVED! Well, who is the US Department of Agriculture? If we can’t answer this fundamental question, how do we know we can trust the label? I could type up a whole long description of who the USDA are and what their job is. But you’ll learn more if you read it for yourself. Also, I feel that this is an appropriate thing to place under this label, research foods banned in other countries that we still consume in America. Hope this helps. EDUCATE EDUCATE EDUCATE yourself. No one else can do it for you. It’s for your health.

Gluten Free}
First of all, what the heck IS gluten? And why is everyone FREAKING out about it? Well gluten is often described as the glue that holds bread together, it brings elasticity to the table that makes food like breads so delicious. (Most commonly people think flour=gluten.) Our bodies aren’t naturally able to digest gluten properly. That is why more and more people are finding out they are gluten intolerant. The amount of gluten in our diets these days has significantly increased, think, everything in moderation. And the more we eat, the more our bodies have to stop us and say, NO, I can’t handle this. When you see a label that says, “Gluten Free”, it doesn’t always mean gluten free. I was able to learn a lot about this from someone who was gluten intolerant. There are products that are not made with flour that have gluten, again, check labels! Salad dressings, spices & seasonings, marinated meat, almost anything that is pre-packaged is likely to contain gluten. The reason for this is all foods need to be preserved to retain color and appearance so that we actually want to purchase and consume them. Preservatives come in many forms, mostly what you will find is that they contain gluten.

All Natural}
Hmmmm, anyone else notice what is wrong with this statement? It’s so vague we don’t even know what it means, but we just assume it means HEALTHY. BBBZZZZZZ Nope! Look at the ingredients! It’s probably loaded with sugar, maybe even HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. Just watch out for this word and don’t let it fool you.

I believe in you guys, you can do it!

To your health!

•Naked Face•


•Naked Face•
I’ve been wanting to write this post for awhile… Here goes… I’m transitioning out of wearing makeup on a regular basis.
1. Because I feel like makeup is terrible for my skin and leaves it worse than when I started wearing it.
2. Because chemicals, which is probably why 1 happens.
3. Because I want to feel beautiful without makeup.
4. Because makeup is a lie.

I started wearing makeup (foundation) because I had acne that flared up about 7 years ago.
I’ve been learning more about natural healing for your skin and have felt really strongly about this for awhile that I wanted to quit makeup, or at least foundation. I started using coconut oil as cleanser for my skin about a year and a half ago after my acne had gotten pretty bad. Once I did that my skin got significantly better, but still not as good as I preferred. So I tried all kinds of skin care lines. Nothing worked. I even switched to bare minerals makeup thinking it would help. I actually feel like bare minerals made it worse. So I switched back to my coconut oil routine. A few months ago I made a simple scrub with coconut oil and started using it on my face along with a little lotion blend I made from scratch. I also started being more intentional about what I was eating and trying to eat certain things at least once a week that know can help improve your skin.
Peaches, spaghetti sauce, apple cider vinegar.
And taking supplements that are supposed to help as well.
Chromium, vitamin A.
After months of letting my makeup slowly run out I finally went my first day with no powder, no liquid foundation and not even any kind of BB cream or tinted moisturizer. And you know what!? I felt beautiful! Which may not seem that important, but is a huge step for me. I have felt so uncomfortable without makeup on for years so be able to say that for me is HUGE! I started thinking and knew that there are other girls out there like me. I feel like we’ve bought into this huge lie that makeup makes us look pretty. And while it can, it doesn’t make us pretty. We are pretty without makeup.
I’m quitting makeup because I am pretty without it.

Working Out With Kids- Summer Edition

Summer is coming up and sometimes it’s easy to get into a slump with exercise when it gets hot out. I’ve compiled a list of ways to get active in the summer while having fun. You can do these exercises without kids but I’ve done them all with either my nieces & nephews or kids I’ve been nannying. They are fun and effective for kids and adults.

Here goes…

  • Running in the shallow end of the pool, pulling kids in a tube or with floaties.
  • Swim races.
  • Quadriceps extensions, sit on the edge of the pool (shallow or deep) lift kids with your feet/ankles under their armpits. OR have your kids grab onto your ankles. You can lift them out of the water with your legs and then dunk them back in. Some girls I used to care for LOVED doing this with me while they were playing in the shallow end.
  • Running on the beach.
  • Playing on the playground, use the bars to do pull ups or rows.
  • Water balloon fight in a field- Okay, this is probably more fun for adults honestly. This is pretty self explanatory. The last time I did this I filled up about 150 water balloons and just let everyone at it. Adults & kids will love this activity and you will find yourself getting a lot of running in. So fun- Highly recommend this!
  • Nature Walk- Tell the kids you are going on a bear hunt, or going hunting for pretty colored leaves, or rocks! Make it fun for them. Tell them you have to skip or run at certain parts of the walk. Look for interesting plants, bugs or things in nature that you can learn something new about.
  • Bike Ride- Take the bikes out for a spin around the block or down a trail. Ride to the grocery store to buy supplies for family night or to go to the pool.
  • Play tag- You’re it!

Get out there and stay active this summer.

Soak up some vitamin-D & enjoy!


Juice & Raw Diet

It has been awhile… Apologies.

Last week I did a 5 day Juice & Raw diet just to sort of reset my system and get a jump start on a fresh take on my health.

Here is a run down of what I did and a list of the foods I used so you can do it too!

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Juicing & Raw Diet

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I love to share my knowledge with people who are striving for better health. This diet is very low in calories and takes a lot of self discipline and will power to accomplish. But you CAN do it! If you feel that you should consult a physician before you begin I would recommend doing so. If you decide to take part in it for 5 days like I did or more and would like support during your “cleanse” let me know and I would be happy to be there for you to talk to, text, or just send you encouraging messages on Facebook. I find that it helps SO much if you go public with it! Every time I wanted to eat something I just remembered all the people who were seeing my posts everyday about doing this and I knew I had to stick to it for them. And I knew that at the end of the week I would feel awesome for sticking to it. And I DO! I will confess I ate a green olive. Just one! Not sure why. Anyway… Here’s the non-plan plan. Enjoy!


Juice- Juicing 2

There are a few different ways you can do this, some people prefer to have different tasting drinks all the time, it all kind of tastes the same to me so I typically will mix it all together. I drank my juice for the whole day until dinner. Here is a list of what I juiced last week.







Apples (Gala, many people use Granny Smith)







I made a mix one day of Peaches, Apples, Lime, Kiwi, Pineapple, and a little Kale. It was really delicious.

Another day I did a red juice & a green juice by just separating the red fruits and veggies from the greens. I did add some apple to the green and some pineapple to the red to help sweeten up the really bitter vegetables.



Raw-photo 5 (2)

After each full day of just drinking juice I would eat a raw dinner of just vegetables and pumpkin seeds if I felt like something extra on my salad. I stuck to salads since it was easy for me. Here’s what I used for my salads.





Red Onion

Crushed Garlic

Fresh Lime Juice for dressing



Pumpkin Seeds

Sunflower Seeds


If you get really hungry during the day you could eat a banana, I only did that one day and I had some walnuts with it. I also did that the first or second night to curb my sweet craving I was having.


If you have any questions or would like help or support please let me know.

I woke up this morning with a renewed desire for health and a different perspective on food. It really helped me see how much processed food I am around, and how much of it I am honestly putting into my body. It helped me get real with myself about my habits and encouraged me to do better because I know I CAN! It also got a lot of the junk out of my system and I noticed a clearer mind, and a desire to eat healthier foods instead of junk. The cravings just haven’t been there today. I woke up wanting an apple. So I drank my alkaline water and ate healthy all day! It was a great refresh on my regimen and I highly recommend trying it.

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Cauliflower Crust Pizza

I am of the opinion that there is always a healthier way to make an unhealthy favorite.

I have become a huge fan of cauliflower because it is so versatile and can be flavored sweet or savory. Cauliflower pizza crust is one of my favorite ways to use it. First I get all the vegetables I’m going to use for the everything and cut it all up.image (13)I like to make my pizza sauce with lots of extra veggies.

image (14)Chopped up red onion, orange tomato, zucchini, squash and kale.

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I would suggest using an organic pasta sauce or making your own from scratch to ensure the quality of the ingredients.

image (15)Saute the chopped vegetables in a pot.

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Add sauce.

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Finely grate the cauliflower and steam. Some people steam in the microwave for 8 minutes. I prefer not to use the microwave.


photo 4 (1)Combine pizza crust ingredients in a bowl.

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Flatten on baking stone or cooking sheet and bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes

Once the crust is done you can add the sauce and as many toppings as you like. This time I just added a little extra cheese (because it looks so weird not to add cheese to a pizza) and some pepperoni & of course the veggie veggie sauce that I made.

Put back in the oven for 15 minutes.

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Let cool a few minutes then slice, serve and ENJOY!



Cauliflower Pizza Crust

1.5 Cups finely grated cauliflower

1 Cup mozzarella cheese or Italian blend cheeses

1 Egg

Olive Oil


-Italian seasonings

-Fresh crushed garlic



450 degrees for 15 minutes





Vegetarian Chili

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This post is a little late, but here it is nonetheless.

I’ve been making this chili for a few months since my mom showed me how to make it.

It is not exactly a precise recipe, but that’s the great part about it. No two batches are the same.

1 bag 16 bean soup

1 can of diced tomatoes (I like the oven roasted tomatoes, I always include the juice)

Diced vegetables:


Bell peppers

Red onions

Minced fresh garlic (3 cloves throughout cooking process)

Chopped kale or spring mix

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Cayenne pepper




Chili Powder

Soak the beans in a medium sized bowl overnight. In the morning I put the beans in a large pot with about 6 cups of water, canned tomatoes, 1 minced garlic clove and all the spices I like. Bring to a boil, then cover and let simmer throughout the day. I will add more spices whenever I check on it. This could probably be done in a crock pot as well, I just haven’t done it that way. Usually about 2 hours before I’m going to eat it I add the chopped vegetables so the flavor of them can get into the chili. Add 1 clove of minced garlic 1 hour before serving. The time you cook it is up to you. I like to let mine cook all day (8hrs or more), my mom only cooks hers for 2 hours or something.

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Serve with tortilla chips, chopped kale or spring mix & chopped red onions on top.


Working Out With Kids

Working out can be the farthest thing from your mind if you’re chasing kids around all day. But if you let them join you,  it can turn what may be viewed as a chore into lots of fun and laughs. My family loves to challenge each other and stretch each other to the limit. My sister and her 2 kids always help us along too! Holding a 25lb 2 year old makes squats a lot more challenging, and makes for a fun time as well.

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Running on trails with kids makes for some great interval running.



A few other fun exercises-

Pass the baby- Sit back to back with a partner and pass the baby to the left. If it is just you, holding the baby in the air move the baby from right to left, like russian twists.

Side squats- Hold the kid like a backpack worn backwards and squat side to side. Be careful to make sure your knees do not bend over your toes.

Push ups with extra weight- this is good to do with smaller children. Listen to your body, know your own strength and don’t over exert.

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Wall sits with added weight- Do wall sits while cradling your child, or a small adult.


These are all great to add variety and fun to your workouts, and also get some quality family time.

Getting everyone involved makes workouts less of a chore, and more of something you and your family will look forward to!

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Be safe! Listen to your body! Have FUN!


Masterpiece Spaghetti Squash

A healthier alternative to pasta, this dish is definitely a crowd pleaser. My sister who is extremely picky even liked it! If you are vegan, just leave out the meatballs.


1 Large Spaghetti Squash

1 Jar Bertolli Organic Spaghetti Sauce

1/2 Red Onion Chopped

1 Zucchini Chopped

3 Large Kale Leaves Chopped

3 Garlic Cloves

1 lb Grass Fed Beef

Italian Seasonings


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Cut spaghetti squash in 1/2 and place open face up on a baking sheet.

Bake for 40 mins

In olive oil sautee chopped onions, zucchini, kale & 2 minced or crushed garlic cloves.

Add spaghetti sauce to sauteed vegetables.

Put ground beef in bowl, hand mix with 1 garlic clove, salt, pepper, Italian seasonings and chopped onions.

Roll beef into balls and place on greased baking sheet.

Bake meatballs at 350 degrees for 15 mins.

Remove seeds from spaghetti squash and use a fork to remove the spaghetti squash from skin.

Top spaghetti squash with sauce and meatballs, serve with a side salad or steamed vegetables.





Check Yoself

It has recently occurred to me that at times I allow my mindset to get in the way of what I’m trying to do.

The beginning of any achievement starts in your mind.

You must prepare your mind for a constantly changing environment.

You must first have the idea to do something.

Then you must think about what you’re going to do before you do it.

Some people think a lot before they do, and some only think a little.

There are pros and cons to both.

But the reality is, at some point everything that happens in our lives passes through our minds.

The frequency at which we are thinking about the things that matter most, the things that propel us, can determine the rate at which we progress.

If you are working towards saving $100 but do not put any thought to how you are going to do it, it will take you a lot longer than if you set your mind to saving $1 a day for 100 days.

Planning, thinking, mapping out what you are going to do and who you are going to be is important.

Transform your mind, change your life.

Create a safe place where you can go to think, your room, car, or even a closet.

Allow your mind to wander.

Write things down.

Engage yourself.

And train your mind to dream and plan for your dreams.

Don’t allow your mindset to hinder your progress.

Create an environment for yourself with a mindset that will catapult you in the direction of your goals.

With this, you can achieve ANYTHING!


I often reference a verse from the Bible on this topic.

Romans 12:2

… Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…


The other part of the verse is important, but this one line has stuck with me.

When I am struggling with anything, I can usually trace back and figure out that my mind was not in the right place for the task at hand.

I truly believe that everything we touch can be changed just by transforming the way we think.

Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions form a new reality.

Gluten Free, Zucchini, Kale & Apple Pancakes


If you’re feeling healthy and adventurous you should definitely try these pancakes. I loved them so much I wanted to eat the whole batch in one sitting. Here’s how I made these cakes of deliciousness.


Pamela’s Gluten Free Baking Mix
Mix up 1 recipe of Pam’s pancakes
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
3 large kale leaves, finely chopped
1 small zucchini, finely chopped
1 apple sliced (do not mix in batter)

I add a sprinkle of flaxseeds and chia seeds as well to add more nutrients.

Heat pan and grease with coconut oil (add more oil as needed)
Make pancakes as usual, placing apple slices on pancakes after batter is poured into the pan.
Cook as usual for pancakes

Top with real butter and 100% pure maple syrup.

Pat yourself on the back. Enjoy!

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